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Personality Type

A personality type test can help you understand why you think, feel and behave the way you are naturally drawn to. This personality type evaluation looks at the following areas:

  • Attitudes - Extraversion and Intraversion
  • How you perceive the world around you - Sensing and Intuition
  • How you make judgement calls - Thinking and Feeling
  • Lifestyle preferences - Judging and Perceiving

The free personality test can be found here: Free Personality Test. This website ( will have a description of your personality type after you’ve completed the form.

You may also find the description of each personality type here helpful: Additional Personality Type Descriptions

Understanding your Myers-Briggs personality type can be a valuable tool in connecting you with a career that aligns well with your natural preferences and strengths. This personality framework divides individuals into 16 distinct types, based on how they interact with the world, process information, make decisions, and structure their lives. By knowing your type, you gain insight into your preferred working style, communication preferences, and ideal work environment. For instance, an INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging) might thrive in strategic roles that require independent thinking and long-term planning, while an ESFP (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) may excel in dynamic, people-oriented careers that offer variety and hands-on experiences. Understanding your Myers-Briggs type can guide you towards careers that not only suit your natural tendencies but also provide a sense of fulfillment and engagement, leading to greater job satisfaction and success.

Once you know your personality type from the website, look at the chapter in this book to learn about what careers might work best for you: Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron, & Kelly Tieger - Do What You Are (PDF)


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